Hey there, 2019!

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

Time flies (yet again!). Things have gotten crazy at BGO Ecoshop and in some ways, good. I have been trying to grow BGO and started listing items on Redmart marketplace in Aug 2018. Since Redmart’s entry into Singapore, this online grocery company has disrupted local grocery shopping scene. Consumers can shop for a wide variety of groceries online and have them shipped to their homes at a really low shipping rate. Since Redmart, there have been quite a few online marketplaces in a small Singapore market.

I was glad that BGO Ecoshop was invited to join Redmart at its start and it has really helped BGO gained a lot more customers. There are orders to be fulfilled every day and this has kept us busy (happily). The downside of it is orders from our own website has been dwindling and this caused me to focus more on developing our marketplace site and products on Redmart and neglected BGO’s own website. And this is truly unacceptable.

WELL, the new year has begun and I want to make a change. Products should be updated more regularly and blog posts should be kept up too. Upon reflection, I have built meaningful relationships with BGO customers over the years, though many I have never met. Such relationships established through blogging takes many years to build up and I certainly would not want to waste previous efforts.

I am excited to blog about ideas to make Singapore greener, and how we can make ourselves stronger and healthier. I am eager to introduce new BGO products to you. Personally, I have many projects in mind to be done.

I wish 2019 be an even more fruitful year for BGO Ecoshop and also an exciting and joyful year for all of you who read this. To all BGO supporters all these years, I THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.



As the year draws to an end, we wish to thank you for your support towards BGO Ecoshop for the past year.

With each purchase from you, you are helping us move one more step towards contributing to a greener and better world to live in.


Over the years (2011 in particular), we have consciously expanded eco products on our online store. This is in pursuit of an one-stop online store for great and trustable eco products for the family. Our ideal of influencing consumers in the knowing and acceptance of green products has remained unchanged.


Is 2012 going to be the Doomsday year? Certainly not.

As the American businessman and co-founder of Amway Richard M. DeVos said,

Few things in the world are more powerful than a positive push. A smile. A word of optimism and hope. And you can do it when things are tough.

In the face of adversity, 2012 is certainly going to be a better year than before, if we all give it a positive push and look at the world with gratitude and optimism.

We are hopeful for the new year and wish you all a very prosperous and healthy 2012!

Best regards,

Chewy, Sweng, baby & the cats